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4. PTA Highlights

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  • 15/06/22

    School Gazebo

    The PTA have funded a second amazing gazebo. This has been incredibly useful already from sheltering the children from rain showers at pickup time or from the blistering sun on sports day.
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  • 27/05/22

    The Queen's Platinum Jubilee

    To commemorate the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the PTA bought each child a pin badge. A lasting memory of this incredible historic event.
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  • 22/04/22

    St Georges Day Dragon Drive

    This year's PTA annual Bunny Drive morphed into a dragon in honour of St Georges Day. The room was filled with energy, fun and a little bit of competition!
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  • 28/03/22

    Mothers Day Scavenger Hunt

    This year for Mother's Day our families roamed around the grounds of the school, solving clues to win a prize at the finish line. It was lovely to hear the sound of laughter and to watch the children spend precious time with their families. Luckily for the PTA the weather was on our side!
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  • 10/12/21

    Father Christmas comes to St Peters

    Today the PTA organised a very special visitor. Father Christmas read a wonderful festive story, answered all of those burning questions and handed out some gifts to all of our lucky girls and boys.
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  • 04/12/21

    Christmas Fayre 2021

    We all had so much fun at this year's Christmas Fayre.  Children played games, won prizes, there were competitions, crafts, shopping stalls, face paint and not forgetting festive food. Lots of money was raised for all of our upcoming PTA projects.
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  • 27/09/21

    New Team Shirts for KS2 Sports Teams

    The PTA have provided our KS2 sports teams with some wonderful new team shirts. Chosen by our sports teachers, paid for by our incredibly generous parents. Thank you for your continued support.  
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  • 02/08/21

    Lockdown Bingo

    A new tradition the PTA started during lock down was a Bingo night. This year some of us even got to play together in the same room. Next year we hope to hold it completely IRL.
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  • 14/06/21

    An Icy Surprise

    The PTA surprised every child and staff member at break time today. Everyone received an ice lolly to help keep cool on this exceptionally hot day.
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  • 11/02/21

    Peter Bear Brings Comfort During Lockdown

    In these difficult times the PTA sent a little piece of happiness to all of our wonderful children. Whether the children are home-schooling or in school as part of the keyworker scheme, they are all missing their friends. The PTA sent over 100 Peter Bears across the county to remind all the children...
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  • 02/09/20

    Colourful Nursery Canopy

    The PTA have funded a much-needed new canopy for our Nursery children. It provides shelter from all the wonderful British weather allowing our children all year-round outdoor play. It is particularly beautiful when the sun shines through making the colours dance across the playground floor...
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