Learning Support
St Peter’s tries to enable every child to achieve their full potential by providing a curriculum that is broad, balanced and differentiated. Our curriculum aims to take account of the particular learning difficulties and developmental level of each child. Children who have specific difficulties in English or Maths are offered additional support to help them develop the skills they need to progress across the curriculum. Children’s individual needs are identified at an early stage or as soon as possible.
The provision we offer comprises of three stages:
- Class Teachers will provide ‘quality first’, differentiated teaching within the classroom. The SENDCo keeps teaching staff informed of the preferred learning styles, strengths and areas for development for each of the children identified as having a special educational need. Teaching staff receive ongoing information and advice to help them understand how these children learn best. Class Teachers are sometimes assisted in the classroom by a teaching assistant.
- A child receives additional or different help in a small group outside of classroom lessons by the Class Teacher. The additional or differentiated learning is arranged by the Class Teacher, in consultation with the SENDCo, and is delivered by the Class Teacher or a teaching assistant or the SENDCo directly.
- A child receives additional or differentiated help devised by the SENDCo. The additional or different help is provided on a one-to-one basis. The school makes an additional charge for these one-to-one sessions, unless that provision is part of a structured response to an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP).
Parents and pupils are consulted at all stages in our decisions about learning support and we monitor the progress of pupils on our Learning Support Register. If it's seen that a pupil is making good progress, and is now working at the level expected of a child of their age, we will consult with parents and move the pupil back through the levels of our staged approach.
Parents need to make the School aware of any learning difficulties at the initial enquiry stage and to provide copies of assessments that have been carried out. With open discussion we will be better able to consider the likely needs and the best interests of each child.
More Able Pupils
We identify outstanding talents in academic subjects, Sport, Music, and the Arts. Our curriculum has provision to challenge and stretch these talented pupils through extension groups, specialist teaching and visits to secondary schools. The school maintains a More Able and a Gifted register.