Wrap Around Care
Early and Late Clubs are popular options for before and after school care used by parents of children at St Peter’s School. Our intention is to offer a comfortable and relaxed environment where children can spend time before or after the formal part of the school day.
Early and Late Club do not require pre-booking. Late Club can be pre-booked or parents can telephone the School Office before the end of the school day to request that their child attends.
The Early Club is open from 8am. Its staffing is consistent so that children get to know the Early Club Leader quickly and a routine is swiftly established, promoting the family-feel of the school. After school care is offered from the end of the school day until 5.45pm.
We aim to keep Early and Late Club fees as reasonable as possible. Charges are invoiced in arrears at the end of each term, either added to the following term's fee invoice, or payable upon receipt of invoice at the end of term. Childcare Vouchers or Tax Free Childcare payments are acceptable for Early and Late Club fees, and information about charges may be found here.
During Early and Late Club, activities are set up that enable children to continue their learning, engage with friends and staff, have fun or simply relax after a busy day at school. Children are welcome to complete homework independently or take part in a carousel of creative activities organised each day by our highly motivated staff.